20 Star Wars Memes That Will Give You The Force To Laugh

The ’70s phenomenon “Star Wars” has been a fan favorite for over 45 years. The series has survived all of the criticism that has been placed on it, and the movies are still at the top of charts today. What is even better than the movies themselves? Memes that add to the hilarity of the series. Here are 20 memes we found about “Star Wars” that you’ll love.

1. “Star Wars” Physics

A two-panel meme featuring the character Winnie the Pooh. The top panel shows Pooh in a casual outfit beside text stating "Humans having different weights on other planets and moons." The bottom panel shows Pooh in a tuxedo beside text stating "Star Wars characters having the same weight on all planets and moons.
u/III-animator-4403/via reddit

2. “Star Wars” Return Of The Dragon

Two men holding light sabers
u/blakereddit421/via reddit

3. “Star Wars” Is not over, Patrick

A meme featuring SpongeBob SquarePants reacting to various Star Wars movie scenes. The first row shows SpongeBob declaring "Star Wars is dead and everything from Disney is totally bad." Subsequent rows depict SpongeBob in humorous poses interacting with different movie stills.
u/ninjamurai-jack/via reddit

4. George Lucas Is Rich Lego Set

LEGO box labeled "Star Wars" with a green sea of LEGO pieces on the front. The set number is 75187, and it humorously reads "George Lucas with 4.05 Billion Dollars." Two LEGO minifigures are depicted below the text.
u/boyroid/via reddit

5. R2-D2 Is A Potty Mouth

A three-panel meme. Top panel: a man says, "Did you know? R2-D2 is the most vulgar Star Wars character." Middle panel: another man responds, "Really?" Bottom panel: the first man replies, "Yes, they bleeped out every word he said," with a scene of men in a tense confrontation.
via reddit

6. “Dummy”

Top image shows four characters from a space-themed movie with labels for their roles: Mechanic, Leader, Knowledge, and Pilot. Bottom image features updated characters with the labels for their roles: Dummy, Tolerance, Fan Service, and a combined role list: Pilot, Leader, Knight, Mechanic, Knowledge.
u/poven100/via reddit

7. You Don’t Get It Mom

A popular meme format featuring a man with glasses and a butterfly, with text labels. The man is labeled "My mom," the butterfly is labeled "Anyone with a red lightsaber," and the caption below reads "Is this Dark Vader?" Indicating a humorous misunderstanding.
u/_jxggs_/via reddit

8. Darth Can’t Eat Through That Mask

A humorous illustration features Star Wars characters including Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO in a fast-food setting, sipping drinks and eating snacks. The text at the bottom reads, "Did you spot what's wrong with this?
u/oddprofit7/via reddit

9. An Oversimplification, But Yes

A man in a suit responds with "It's an oversimplification of events, but, yes." to the question above: "So you're saying that Star Wars is about an angsty teen that brought about the near-extinction of sword wizards because he was upset about not getting a promotion?
u/superalloyberserker/via reddit

10. Crypto Is A Scam

A meme image featuring four ring-like objects resembling the collectible rings from the Sonic the Hedgehog video games. The text above the objects reads, "The only cryptocurrency I trust." The rings are colored silver, gold, blue, and purple.
u/broomaktamer117/via reddit

11. We Want More Darth Maul

Meme featuring two panels with men reacting to news. Top panel: Text reads "DARTH MAUL SOMEHOW RETURNS AFTER LITERALLY GETTING SPLIT IN HALF" with four men excitedly cheering. Bottom panel: Text reads "PALPATINE RETURNS" with the same men looking unimpressed.
u/imgurreject/via reddit

12. Episode VIXX, Star Wars The Wars

Two people in unique outfits modeled after Stormtroopers from Star Wars. The one on the left is in a red suit with Adidas branding and gold chains, while the one on the right wears a white fur coat, purple hat, and similar gold chains.
u/snorlaxlover123/via reddit

13. Please Tell Me You Know

A four-panel meme featuring two characters in a field. The top left character says, "I'm not really a big Star Wars fan." The top right character replies, "Ok, but you at least know who the people in this meme are, right?" The bottom left shows the first character staring. The bottom right shows the second character looking worried, saying, "You know who they are, right?
u/plopsack/via reddit

14. “You’re Not A Star Wars Fan”

A comic strip of four panels showing two men intensely discussing Star Wars. The top man says, "Rey is a terrible character!" while the bottom man responds with counterarguments, including praising Rogue One and pointing out a plot hole about the Death Star.
u/nota_procritic/via reddit

15. Star Wars Cantina Music Slaps

Two-part meme. Top image: Cartoon characters with big heads dancing against a colorful sky background, captioned "Tiktok girls dancing to a rap song about d*** and m**********." Bottom image: Person energetically dancing outdoors near a sidewalk, captioned "Me dancing to Star Wars cantina music.
u/andrewgtv05/via reddit

16. Baby Yoda Is Star Wars Now

A popular meme format where a distressed person on the left, pointing angrily with a woman behind them, is captioned "THE MANDALORIAN IS A SIDE STORY." On the right, a calm Baby Yoda (Grogu) in a dining scene is captioned "I AM STAR WARS NOW.
u/mvparllar45613991/via reddit

17. Christopher Walken Likes Ahsoka Tano

A meme featuring a character expressing a desire for more content with Ahsoka Tano. Panels show the character saying, "I like... Ahsoka Tano," along with images from Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, The Mandalorian, and The Bad Batch, reflecting his interest.
u/jasomms/via reddit

18. It Doesn’t Really Make Much Sense

A meme featuring two characters from Star Wars. The left side shows Boba Fett with text "Has A Legitimate Profession - 'Villain'". The right side shows Han Solo with text "Literally A Drug Smuggler - 'Hero'".
via reddit

19. It’s How Mando Would Have Wanted It

A Twitter post featuring a fun fact about "The Mandalorian." The top image shows a group of Stormtroopers and crew members. The bottom image is of a Mandalorian helmet with the caption, "THIS IS THE WAY.
u/amrit-9037/via reddit

20. Who Likes Pulp?

A meme featuring a Star Wars scene with Palpatine and another character. Text above reads "When your mom buys you the orange juice with bits in." Text below Palpatine says "The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed.
u/cheddar-10/via reddit