Many folks out there are possessed by a strange desire to test the outer bounds of what they can tolerate in terms of unsettling images. There’s a fine line though. You don’t necessarily want to end up scaring yourself into sleeping with the lights on for months on end. No, just, a little fright is enough to get the job done. These images in particular are as bizarre as they are scary. Consider yourself properly warned.
1. “My hotel room had another mysterious empty room inside it.”

2. “Met with this upon turning on my monitor.”

3. “A photo of the exact time lightning hits the water.”

4. “This plant in the corner.”

5. “This is how large a fully grown bison can get.”

6. “A man was discovered to be missing 90% of a brain amidst leading a normal life.”

7. “My mom’s harmless old black lab waiting to be let inside.”

8. “When male and female anglerfish mate, they melt into each other and share bodies forever.”

9. “You simply can’t wake up on the wrong side of the bed.”

10. “Raining over one house.”

11. “Storage tank of a tanker ship carrying liquified natural gas.”

12. “Hail buildup near a door in eastern Colorado.”

13. “See your favorite artist live.”

14. “The Dragon’s Eye.”

15. “This Steve Harvey in the sky over Atlanta.”

16. “This Statue of Liberty’s face in 1885.”

17. “This potentially effective but also scary swimming mask.”

18. “Some wasps built their nests around floodlights on a garage.”

19. “A better picture of the oarfish.”

20. “The Sneaking Tree.”

21. “Trees at New Zealand’s southern most tip.”