23 Abandoned Yet Oddly Beautiful Railways

There can be something hauntingly beautiful about stumbling across an abandoned building or railway infrastructure from a time long since passed. In the rush of today’s society it’s easier than ever to get caught up in the frantic flow of everything happening all at once. However, if and when you carve out time to take those hikes deep into the woods where you find an abandoned railway, you’re in for a treat. These folks certainly were.

1. “An old coal mining artifact I found deep in the woods.”

A moss-covered, abandoned railway bridge passes over a narrow, muddy creek. Surrounding the bridge is a dense forest of tall trees and lush green vegetation. The scene captures the serene and untouched nature of the forest.
u/xbrndnn/via reddit.com

2. “Nevada Northern Railway Museum and its guardian, Dirt the cat.”

A fluffy cat sits on the concrete floor of an industrial warehouse with a yellow train engine parked in the background. The train is positioned directly behind the cat, and various tools and equipment are scattered around the spacious, well-lit space.
u/moreice45/via reddit.com

3. “Abandoned train I found while traveling.”

A black and yellow train engine, marked with the number 47, is captured amidst lush green foliage. The train appears stationary on the tracks, with trees and bushes partially obscuring it under a bright sky.
u/studentshort/via reddit.com

4. “Geneva, Nebraska.”

A weathered, rusted steam locomotive stands on overgrown tracks with a cloudy sky in the background. The engine's worn appearance suggests it has been abandoned for a long time. The landscape appears desolate, with sparse grass and bare trees surrounding the train.
u/truckerbob/via reddit.com

5. “Ghost Tracks in Cape May, New Jersey.”

A sandy beach extends along the shoreline with gentle waves washing up against the shore. Rusted remains of a shipwreck are partially buried in the sand, creating parallel lines as they stretch towards the ocean. The sky is overcast.
u/iamonewiththeforce/via reddit.com

6. “Abandoned tunnel in Minnesota.”

A snow-covered abandoned railway track leads into a dark and eerie tunnel, surrounded by graffiti-marked concrete walls and rocky terrain. Snow and ice hang on the sides while tall trees stand above the tunnel entrance under a gray winter sky.
u/u235eu/via reddit.com

7. “Abandoned tracks in the forest in Germany since 2006.”

A long, elevated metal pipeline runs diagonally across the image, supported by metal beams. It passes through a forested area with trees on both sides, under a clear blue sky. The path beneath is dirt and partially grassy.
u/woahruben/via reddit.com

8. “Bridge made from an old rail car.”

A person stands near a rusted, abandoned train car suspended over a small river by metal beams. The train car is missing its wheels and has extensive graffiti. It is surrounded by sparse vegetation and a small tree, with rocky hills in the background.
u/earthmoonsun/via reddit.com

9. “The only remaining Amtrak RTG Turboliner model wasting away.”

An old, rusted train locomotive abandoned in a wooded area. The metal is worn, and the train is partially overgrown with trees and bushes. The paint, which appears to have once been red, white, and blue, is peeling and faded. A dirt path runs alongside the train.
u/deleted/via reddit.com

10. “I camped in this train tunnel in Western Ireland for an hour.”

A dark, stone railway tunnel nestled in a rocky, moss-covered hillside with green vegetation around the entrance. The path leading into the tunnel is overgrown with grass and small plants. The tunnel recedes into the distance with a visible exit at the far end.
u/christtom/via reddit.com

11. “16 mile hike to an abandoned train track bridge in California.”

A wooden trestle bridge extends across a rocky, barren landscape under a clear blue sky. The bridge's intricate wooden beams and supports are visible, and a tunnel can be seen in the mountain on the far side of the bridge.
u/lukewilson59/via reddit.com

12. “Tracks leading to Wagon Wheel Gap in Creede, Colorado.”

An empty two-lane road meets a disused railroad track in a rural area. Distant hills covered in evergreen trees and a clear sky serve as the backdrop. Fencing lines the road and a house is visible on the right side.
u/holsetvgtturbo/via reddit.com

13. “Tracks to the past.”

A scenic, abandoned railway track stretches into the distance, flanked by lush green trees and rocky cliffs. The wooden ties and rusted rails show signs of age, adding to the rustic and serene atmosphere of the forested area. Sunlight filters through the foliage above.
u/deleted/via reddit.com

14. “Remnant of the Massachusetts Central Railroad.”

A forest scene with light filtering through the tall trees. The ground is covered in dry leaves, and an old, abandoned railway track runs through the middle of the forest, partially hidden by the foliage. The path beside the track is clear and leads into the distance.
u/snoozebox/via reddit.com

15. “A miniature railroad that has been abandoned by the logging company that bought the land.”

A roundhouse with multiple green doors stands in a clearing, encircled by tall, leafless trees under a clear blue sky. The structure shows a semi-circular track in the foreground and an open area in front, with weathered ground and sparse vegetation.
u/chrsthompsontldr/via reddit.com

16. “Abandoned line going into Vatican City.”

A tunnel entrance with a large arched opening made of red bricks. The tunnel is closed with a large metal door. Tram tracks lead into the tunnel, and there is greenery on one side and a cobblestone path on the other. Trees and blue sky are visible above.
u/reddawn2012/via reddit.com

17. “All aboard the next train to Atlantis.”

Old, rusty railway tracks lead directly into calm, turquoise ocean waters from a white, rocky shore. The tracks are partially submerged, disappearing into the sea. The sky is overcast, adding a grayish hue to the overall scene.
u/uckaeskks/via reddit.com

18. “Enough rust for just about anyone.”

An old, rusty metal bridge with wooden railway tracks stretches into the distance under an overcast sky. The bridge features large, rectangular support beams and riveted panels, showing signs of decay with peeling paint and patches of corrosion.
u/xbrndnn/via reddit.com

19. “Abandoned iron ore loading dock in Duluth, Minnesota.”

A long, rusty bridge extends over a body of water toward a distant industrial area. The bridge has multiple train tracks and overgrown vegetation in the center. On the right, there are piles of industrial materials, and on the left, large industrial buildings.
u/u235eu/via reddit.com

20. “The Roundhouse.”

A scene of abandoned train tracks surrounded by overgrown vegetation. The rusted tracks are partially covered by fallen leaves, and trees with autumn foliage are growing between and around them, enveloping the neglected setting in greenery and yellowish tones.
u/infinitediesel6/via reddit.com

21. “Long gone railroad in my hometown.”

A decayed wooden bridge extends into a river, its planks missing and overgrown with vegetation. The water is murky, and trees line the riverbanks in the background under a cloudy sky, creating a scene of nature reclaiming the structure.
u/tominnj/via reddit.com

22. “Steam locomotives forgotten since the fall of the Soviet Union.”

Aerial view of a long line of rusted, abandoned train cars on train tracks curving through a grassy clearing, bordered by dense trees on the right. The scene evokes a sense of decay and nature reclaiming the area.
u/nowritzcracker/via reddit.com

23. “Abandoned trestle along the White Pass and Yukon Route.”

An old, abandoned wooden bridge stands in a lush, green mountainous landscape. The bridge is weathered, with some parts missing, and casts a long shadow on the dense foliage below. The sky is overcast, adding a sense of melancholy to the scene.
u/chisirimo/via reddit.com

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