21 Eerie and Unsettling Buildings That Actually Look Evil

It’s far too easy to forget just how much of an impact architects can have on buildings near and far. Don’t count out the urban planners as well. As it turns out there are plenty of buildings out there that ended up looking plain old evil. Like, if you saw one of these eerie buildings while out walking on a dark and stormy night you might have a chill run down your spine.

1. “Bethlehem Steel, the factory that built NYC.”

An old, abandoned industrial complex featuring rusted smokestacks and pipes. Overgrown vegetation is reclaiming parts of the structure, while a pathway runs parallel to it below. The sky is overcast, adding a gloomy atmosphere to the scene.
u/brechtw/via reddit.co

2. “New government building in Queretaro, Mexico.”

Construction workers are standing on a partially completed pedestrian bridge above a busy intersection filled with various cars. In the background, there's a modern angular building with a dark facade and sharp edges.
u/sapsss/via reddit.com

3. “Camarones Metro Station in Mexico City.”

A photo of an interior space featuring a complex network of intersecting, angular staircases and walkways. The design is modern and industrial, with metal railings and concrete surfaces. Two people are visible using the escalators, emphasizing the building's scale.
u/yusbarett/via reddit.com

4. “Quite an eerie looking Cheboksary, Russia.”

A modernist concrete building with tall, angular structures stands against a grey sky. A police car with flashing lights is parked on the snowy street in front. The scene is cold and desolate, with minimal activity and a subdued atmosphere.
u/nonamestudios/via reddit.com

5. “Oh boy, going to have to pass on Cologne Cathedral.”

The image shows a gothic cathedral enveloped in fog at night. The structure is illuminated, highlighting intricate detailing and towering spires that seem to disappear into the misty sky above. The foreground includes faintly visible flags near the entrance.
u/biweek/via reddit.com

6. “This is Merdeka 118, Malaysia.”

A tall, dark skyscraper extends into a cloudy night sky, illuminated by small, scattered lights on its surface. The building's reflective glass exterior captures the dramatic, cloud-filled atmosphere above.
u/megaraptor/via reddit.com

7. “The Digital Beijing Building, Beijing.”

A modern, large, rectangular building with a dark exterior stands under a cloudy sky at a street intersection. Various vehicles, including cars and taxis, are seen waiting at the traffic lights in the foreground.
u/justanavgreddituser/via reddit.com

8. “Check out Bangladesh’s Parliament building.”

Aerial view of a large, modern architectural building with geometric shapes and patterns. The structure is surrounded by water and greenery, with multiple circular and triangular designs visible on its facade. Trees and grass fields are in the background.
u/cuebas/via reddit.com

9. “An abandoned grain storage in Germany.”

A large, weathered, concrete building with the word "RHENUS" on it stands against a cloudy sky. Below is a row of colorful graffiti on a wall, partially hidden by greenery. Scaffolding and cranes are visible, indicating construction or renovation work.
u/moneytreesnoway/via reddit.com

10. “Do you want to stay the night?”

A dark, gothic mansion stands at the top of a long, winding staircase surrounded by leafless trees. The house has intricate details, a steep roof, and a tall, pointed tower. The scene is set in a gloomy, forested area with a foreboding atmosphere.
u/permaculture/via reddit.com

11. “Random house in Cyprus.”

A modern, minimalist house with a flat roof sits illuminated under the night sky. The structure features a combination of concrete and white walls, with sleek lines and large windows. A black metal fence encloses the front yard, and a small sign is visible on the fence.
u/burper20000/via reddit.com

12. “A super villain style McDonald’s building.”

A McDonald's sign is illuminated at night on a tall, brick building. The iconic golden arches glow brightly, casting light on the structure with a deep blue night sky in the background.
u/takemyspear/via reddit.com

13. “This shadow of a church in the low clouds.”

A tall structure, possibly a tower or skyscraper, is seen in a misty, foggy environment with a bright light at its peak. The image is dark and the structure casts a shadow through the fog. Trees and a utility pole with power lines are visible in the foreground.
u/marcusmiller897/via reddit.com

14. “The old Brooklyn Tower.”

A tall, dark skyscraper towers over a densely built urban area in downtown Brooklyn. The building has a sleek, modern design and is surrounded by shorter, diverse-looking buildings under a clear blue sky.
u/physicalg/via reddit.com

15. “Willis Tower looms over River North.”

A cityscape at sunset shows a tall skyscraper with two antennas surrounded by other buildings. The sky is partly cloudy with hints of soft pastel colors. Silhouetted tree leaves frame the scene, and flowers are visible in the lower part of the image.
u/grumpasaurus/via reddit.com

16. “A school in France.”

A group of people walks towards a unique, modern concrete building with angular shapes and irregular windows. Adjacent is an older stone building with a bell tower and red roof. A white van is parked on the right in a large, empty paved area.
u/ziegmllwk/via reddit.com

17. “When the Chicago Willis Tower had a blackout.”

A nighttime cityscape featuring a skyline with tall buildings under a cloudy sky. The tallest building in the center dominates the view, with smaller illuminated buildings surrounding it. Streetlights and lighted windows create a contrast with the dark sky.
u/degooda/via reddit.com

18. “The first National Tower in Omaha, Nebraska.”

A tall building illuminated at night with lights shining upward, creating an ethereal glow against a cloudy sky. The building's design features illuminated windows and a spire-like top, making it stand out in the nighttime environment.
u/mackavicious/via reddit.com

19. “Contact Theater out in Manchester, UK.”

A modern industrial building with a unique brown brick structure featuring large external pipes and chimneys. Adjacent to it is a white and gray building with multiple windows. A white vehicle is parked in the empty lot in front. Cloudy sky overhead.
u/banapoclayps/via reddit.com

20. “Main Street Station in Richmond, Virginia.”

A historic, red-brick building with a prominent clock tower stands in front of a clear evening sky. The building features ornate detailing and a steep, triangular roof. Part of a road and the rear of a car are visible in the foreground.
u/9000forlife/via reddit.com

21. “Block 62 in New Belgrade.”

Image of a moody sky with dark clouds hanging over a large, brutalist apartment complex. The sun casts dramatic light and shadows on the buildings. A solitary person walks in the foreground on a grassy area, creating a stark contrast with the ominous sky.
u/swan001/via reddit.com

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