19 Hilarious Chess Memes For the Kings and Queens Among Us

Chess is a game that has been around since the 6th century, and will stand through the rest of time as we know it. These memes about Chess are sure to tickle your funny bone.

1. Doggo King

A white cat sits among large white chess pieces on an outdoor chessboard. The black chess pieces are in the foreground. The scene is set on a paved area with benches, trees, and some people walking in the background.
u/material-slide-4973/via reddit

2. Never Lose The King

A screenshot of a conversation with two messages. First person says: "we broke up literally a year ago, can you please stop playing chess with my dad on messenger? it's disgusting." Second person responds: "just because i lost the queen doesn't mean i give up the king.
u/chadtopia/via reddit

3. I Don’t Always Play Chess

A distinguished older man with a beard, wearing a black and white suit, is sitting at a table with a green bottle of beer. The text above and below him reads, "I DON'T ALWAYS PLAY CHESS BUT WHEN I DO, I LOSE.
u/river_odessa/via reddit

4. You’re Surrounded

An overhead view of a chessboard with wooden and plastic pieces. The board is not set up for a standard game, featuring unconventional pieces that resemble vehicles or buildings, positioned on various squares. The board is labeled with coordinates along the edges.
u/diezel_train/via reddit

5. The Knight Saves The Day

A comical comic strip shows a horse in a chess piece form causing chaos. It disrupts a medieval scene, kicks people, and eventually knocks off a king wearing a crown. The final panel reveals they are on a chessboard with the horse as a knight checkmating the king.
u/logical_candy7632/Via reddit

6. Pawns 1 v 1

A large black cylindrical object with a textured surface is positioned against a beige wall. On top of the cylinder are two small black figurines shaped like penguins. The figures are spaced apart and facing outward.
u/jazzlike-level7926/via reddit

7. Knight In Shining Armor

A silhouetted person holds an umbrella over a large sitting animal figure, probably a dog, against a dark, cloudy backdrop. The text at the bottom reads, "Never forget who was there for you when no one else was.
u/lordocean7/via reddit

8. One Piece To Rule Them All

A chessboard with a black and red checkered pattern is set on a wooden table. One white knight is positioned on the left, while all black pieces (pawns, rooks, knights, bishops, queen, and king) are arranged on the right side in their starting positions.
u/Bread_bread_bready/via reddit

9. Knookook

A close-up of a chessboard with pieces arranged unusually. A black knight is balancing on top of a white queen, which in turn is sitting on a black rook. Other pieces are scattered around the board. The background shows a gray sofa.
u/accomplishedwar265/via reddit

10. Minecraft Chess

A top-down view of a chessboard in the game Minecraft, set inside a dimly lit, enclosed area. The board has alternating black and white squares with detailed chess pieces on each side. Below the board, a toolbar displays various blocks and a tool.
u/nico-ghost-king/via reddit

11. Mushroom Chess Pieces

A Facebook post features two intricately carved chess pieces, purportedly made from mycelium. The caption reads, "I present to you, Mushroom Chess! Mycelium-grown chess pieces!" The post has 1.5K likes, several reaction emojis, 71 comments, and 78 shares.
u/provostoofunthank/via reddit

12. Old School Chess Vs. Bionic Chess

A chessboard is set up for a game, with white pieces made of abstract blocky shapes positioned at the top and traditional brown pieces at the bottom. The board features alternating dark and light squares.
u/subto8-bitryan/via reddit

13. Prison Chess Set Made Of Toilet Paper And Glue

A chessboard made from a cardboard box with pieces crafted from clay or similar material. The pieces are roughly modeled, with one side colored brown and the other white, placed on a board marked with a grid of squares.
u/blasphememer/via reddit

14. A Phone After One Chess Game

A hand holding a red smartphone with a touchscreen visibly covered in fingerprint smudges. The background is blurred but includes a person in a beige shirt and a green structure.
u/chessbeginners/via reddit

15. Teaching The Chess Pieces

A laptop displaying an online chess game is set on a table alongside a physical chessboard with white chess pieces arranged in the starting position. A TV screen in the background shows a paused movie scene featuring a woman. A water bottle and a smartphone stand are also on the table.

16. Mom Loves This Meme

A conversation in a messaging app: The user texts their mom about a new chess piece, "the knook," combining a rook and a knight, with an image of the piece. The mom replies, saying the user must get a job and move out within a month, after living rent-free for four years.
u/doggodoesasad/via reddit

17. Parkour Knight

A meme showing a man posing on a couch with the word “Parkour!” at the bottom. A knight chess piece is edited into his place. The caption at the top reads: "When the knight jumps over three people to put the king in checkmate:".
u/memelord1001/via reddit

18. Comfy Knight

A wooden chessboard with a black and white checkered pattern and a knight chess piece is placed in the center. Above the image, text reads: "Me trying to get out of my comfort zone.
u/callmedew/via reddit

19. Kings In Real Life

A meme with two panels. The top panel has an ornate painting of a regal king surrounded by courtiers, captioned "KINGS IN REAL LIFE." The bottom panel shows a goofy, pixelated picture of SpongeBob SquarePants captioned "KINGS IN CHESS.
u/mr_elijiah/via Reddit