19 Funny Pics From The Photoshop Troll Who Can’t Miss

James Fridman is the literal master of taking a completely normal photoshop request, and then proceeding to turn it on its head. If you’ve spent your fair share of time on the internet combing through various bizarre rabbit holes, you’ve likely seen one of Fridman’s pics. They simply never disappoint. He’s able to combine a clear great sense of humor with impressive photoshop skills. These pics from Fridman are particularly hilarious.

1. “Ask and you shall receive.”

A woman sitting outdoors by the sea, initially wearing a wrinkled green T-shirt. In the edited image beside it, her T-shirt is humorously replaced with shiny metallic armor. Text in the image shows an email exchange with a photo editor named James.
u/James Fridman/via Facebook.com

2. “Perhaps, sitting a bit too close now.”

A screenshot of an email exchange and two images. Ethan asks James Fridman to edit a photo of him and his friend together due to the lack of a photographer. The before photo shows two young men standing apart. The after photo shows them sitting separately on a large trash barrel.
u/James Fridman/via Facebook.com

3. “He had to dip out.”

Split image: On the left, a man and woman smile at the camera in a crowded stadium, with another man clearly visible behind them. On the right, the same photo but edited so the man behind them is blending into the stand, making the background appear empty.
u/James Fridman/via Facebook.com

4. “Now that’s a fit.”

Side-by-side comparison showing a photo edit: On the left, a woman with long blonde hair smiles in a car. On the right, the same image edited humorously, giving her head an exaggerated square shape. An email exchange above requests the edit to make her head less round.
u/James Fridman/via Facebook.com

5. “Definitely getting his money’s worth.”

A woman asked for a photo edit, wanting the corn dog her boyfriend is holding to appear whole. The edited image shows the corn dog humorously placed over her boyfriend's face, making it intact. The couple smiles in the unedited image while holding corn dogs.
u/James Fridman/via Facebook.com

6. “The devil is in the details.”

A Twitter user asks James Fridman to enhance their facial contour in a photo. In the before photo, the person has subtle makeup. In the after photo, James humorously adds exaggerated yellow squiggly lines to the person's face, as if drawn with a marker.
u/James Fridman/via Facebook.com

7. “All he had to do was clarify a bit more.”

Two side-by-side images of a young man ask James Fridman on Twitter to remove a photobomber. In the edited image on the right, the request is humorously fulfilled by removing the requester, leaving only the photobomber.
u/James Fridman/via Facebook.com

8. “Honestly, such a victory.”

A woman runs along train tracks, her arms raised in excitement. In a following edited version, she is chased by the cartoon character Thomas the Tank Engine. The tweet requesting the edit and the tweet with the edited image are displayed above the images.
u/James Fridman/via Facebook.com

9. “Kind of terrifying, but also hilarious.”

On the left, a woman's photo shows her standing on a rural road. On the right, the same photo is edited onto a cartoonish image of the Eiffel Tower with eyeballs surrounding it. Labeled "Voilà," the edited image humorously resembles her request to be photoshopped in front of the Eiffel Tower.
u/James Fridman/via Facebook.com

10. “They lost when they misspelled his name.

Two side-by-side images of two men standing by a lake. In the left image, they are posing peacefully. In the right image, a giant lightning bolt is striking very close to them, with dramatic effects added. A humorous Photoshop request and response are shown above.
u/James Fridman/via Instagram

11. “Geese are known to square off.”

Two image collage. Left: A man takes a selfie with a goose in a park. Right: Edited photo by James Fridman showing the man hanging upside down from a tree while the goose appears close to the camera with a victorious look. Text above: "Hey James! Can you make it look like I'm fighting the goose?" and "1:0," indicating the goose won.
u/James Fridman/via Instagram

12. “Could be an album cover.”

Image of a tweet with an edited photo. First image shows a person standing in front of a distant waterfall. Second image humorously edited by James Fridman, showing the same person engulfed by the waterfall, with water splashing all over them.
u/James Fridman/via Instagram

13. “Ouch, James.”

A side-by-side image typically representative of Photoshop humor. The left side shows a woman requesting to look like Kylie Jenner. The right side humorously edits her face to include the toddler Kylie from the reality show. Text from the request is shown above.
u/James Fridman/via Instagram

14. “Oh no he didn’t.”

Two side-by-side images show three women posing in front of a Christmas tree. In the first image, one woman's hand appears awkwardly cut off. In the second image, a cartoonish hand holding a plate, a fish, and a blanket is humorously edited in place of the missing hand. A message at the bottom requests fixing the hand issue, and a response underneath says "Fixed.
u/throwmeawaw/via reddit.com

15. “Never looked more normal.”

Two photos show a group of nine people posing in a living room. In the second photo, the head of the person in the beanie has been humorously enlarged. Above the images, a message requests the head resizing. Below, a reply says, "Sure.
u/throwaway132/via reddit.com

16. “Yeah, nothing outside of the ordinary now.”

On the left, a woman and a man pose with outstretched arms. The woman expresses concern about how her hand looks. On the right, in a humorous edit, the woman's hand is replaced by a large horse's rear end.
u/deleted/via reddit.com

17. “She took an adventure.”

The image shows a humorous before and after of a Photoshop request. The original photo is of a woman holding an octopus dish at a restaurant. The edited version has her underwater, in scuba gear, with an octopus. Text reads, "More natural.
u/anonnymous/via reddit.com

18. “These guys should seriously consider the new look.”

Two side-by-side images. Left image: Three men from the band Formosa in rock outfits. Right image: The same three men dressed in metallic, tin man-like outfits resembling characters from "Wizard of Oz" with the caption "Don't get caught out in the rain.
u/parisjay666/via reddit.com

19. “No more fear.”

Two images are shown. The first is of three people outdoors, with a woman in the center standing awkwardly. The second is a humorously edited version of the first image, where the same three people are now playing pool on a table placed in the same outdoor setting.
u/imbadatjavascript/via reddit.com

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