21 Strange Yet Oddly Horrifying Pics We Wish We’d Never Seen

Oh yes, a proper cursed, oddly horrifying image will do nothing short of haunt your dreams. The toughest part about weathering a cursed image is that deeply unsettled feeling that it can end up leaving you with. It’s as if the cursed image itself is possessed. These cursed images certainly fit that bill.

1. “Hole in the woods.”

A dense forest with tall evergreen trees and a circular gap in the foliage, creating a tunnel-like view through the trees. The ground is covered in grass, and the surrounding trees are lush and green.
u/monsur_ausohnom/via reddit.com

2. “5,000 B.C. Ancient Cave Paintings in Sego Canyon, Utah.”

A photograph of ancient rock art depicting several humanoid figures. The figures include one tall dark silhouette with vertical stripes, several smaller solid figures, and a few faint, less distinct humanoid shapes. The background is a reddish-brown rock surface.
u/raged_barbarian/via reddit.com

3. “This wind turbine destroyed by a tornado.”

A damaged wind turbine with its blades visibly bent and hanging down is set against a dark, stormy sky. The turbine stands tall at the end of a dirt path, surrounded by a field with a line of trees in the distance.
u/bubblew/via reddit.com

4. “Mother centipede hugging her babies.”

A can with the lid removed reveals an unusual object inside that resembles a segmented ring of thin, spiky, worm-like structures, possibly a type of marine creature, sitting on a dark brown wooden surface.
u/angelonduty/via reddit.com

5. “My mom with the Easter bunny in 1978.”

A child sits on the lap of a person in a large bunny costume, surrounded by two large, colorful bunny decorations with exaggerated facial expressions. They are in an indoor setting filled with bright, fluorescent lights. The scene has a festive, whimsical atmosphere.
u/mnkybrainz/via reddit.com

6. “This mushroom growing in my garden, looks like it’ll chomp you.”

Close-up of a decayed, brownish object on the ground that resembles a skull with teeth, surrounded by mulch, leaves, rocks, and a small green plant growing nearby. The object has a cracked and darkened surface with white, tooth-like structures.
u/readous/via reddit.com

7. “I have been told that several people have disappeared in that park.”

Two yellow wooden sculptures resembling cartoon characters stand in a forest. The foreground sculpture shows a face with wide white eyes and a cracked head. The background sculpture is bound with ropes around its neck and arms, creating a cross-like shape.
u/armando_bardo/via reddit.com

8. “Not even my car, but seeing those tires halfway over the rim makes me shiver.”

A black Dacia Duster is parked partially on a sidewalk and grass next to a canal with water on the right side. The background features buildings and trees under an overcast sky. The car's license plate is partially obscured for privacy.
u/dcrochet/via reddit.com

9. “Car parking without safety barriers.”

A white car is parked precariously on the edge of a high wall, with a significant drop to the street below. The car is alongside a black vehicle, both near a building. In the background, there is an urban landscape with various buildings and a tree with bare branches.
u/beef1987f/via reddit.com

10. “Jean bag chair.”

This is a photo of an unusual chair made from repurposed denim jeans. The jeans are arranged in a circular, upright fashion to form the backrest, while the seat is fashioned from the lower part of the jeans. The chair has a quirky, creative appearance.
u/foolofeld/via reddit.com

11. “This skull tree.”

A tree with a hollow center in the shape of a face, set in a forest with green and yellow foliage during autumn. The bark on the tree is dark and rough, and the surrounding trees and leaves indicate a natural woodland setting.
u/justadair/via reddit.com

12. “The Great Hanshin Earthquake.”

A damaged elevated highway with cars trapped on it after it collapsed during an earthquake in an urban area. Surrounding buildings and infrastructure are also affected, with debris and destruction evident. Emergency vehicles and responders are present on the scene.
u/monsun_aushuhnm/via reddit.com

13. “The lizard fish found 8,000 feet below.”

A close-up image of a deep-sea fish with a sleek, elongated body and large, reflective eyes. Its body is dark-colored, and it rests on a sandy ocean floor. The fish has prominent scales and fins, and its mouth is slightly open, revealing small, sharp teeth.
u/akhajk7/via reddit.com

14. “A tree in my yard.”

A tree with dense green foliage hides a hollow trunk where a raccoon is peeking out. The tree is surrounded by leafy plants and a black metal fence at the bottom.
u/pixeltraveler6336/via reddit.com

15. “That tree branch had a bone to pick.”

A white car with a logo on the door has a tree branch pierced through its windshield and roof. The car is parked on a rural road with a cloudy sky and fields in the background. The driver's side door is open.
u/stelvyyy/via reddit.com

16. “A smooshed toasted marshmallow.”

Close-up of a burnt marshmallow held by a fork. The marshmallow is topped with melted marshmallow goo, which clumps together to form bubble-like clusters. The background is out of focus, highlighting the marshmallow texture and details.
u/ahir_no/via reddit.com

17. “Cedar apple rust is a fungus that affects juniper trees.”

Close-up of a brown, spiky, spherical growth known as cedar-apple rust gall on a cedar tree branch, with surrounding green foliage. The gall has orange, tentacle-like protrusions which give it a peculiar, almost alien appearance.
u/ewwhatsthat/via reddit.com

18. “Sunny Torquay and the Stairway to Horror.”

Concrete steps partially submerged in clear blue water with seaweed floating around.
u/subolltnik/via reddit.com

19. “He sleeps with his eyes open.”

A black and white cat lies on a dark, plush surface, gazing off to the side. The cat's body is mostly white with black patches, including its head and one leg. The fur appears soft and slightly illuminated by the light.
u/thecrazymaniac24/via reddit.com

20. “If this corn isn’t disgustingly terrifying I don’t know what is.”

A close-up photograph of an ear of corn infected with corn smut, a fungal disease. The kernels are deformed and swollen, appearing grayish-white and bulbous. The infected ear contrasts with a green, grassy background.
u/eat_mor_bbq/via reddit.com

21. “Some art I found on my way home.”

A person holds an old, weathered, framed painting of a child being kissed on the forehead by another person. The painting is faded and stained, indicating damage over time. The frame is wooden and shows signs of age.
u/erebus1483/via reddit.com

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