18 Acts of Revenge on Thieving Coworkers Who Flew Too Close to the Sun

Sometimes you simply don’t have the patience to wait to pull off your act of revenge. These people and their own revenge escapades are in a league of their own. For instance, if you have a coworker who can’t be bothered to not repeatedly steal your lunch, you might end up taking matters into your own hands and dousing your food in sneaky hot sauce. That’s just one count of a long line of exceptional acts of revenge.

1. “The sneaky hot sauce to end all hot sauces.”

A close-up of a pile of fresh red chili peppers. The peppers are long and slender, with green stems, and are densely packed together, creating a vibrant and textured red surface.
u/markmiller/via youtube.com

“I worked in an office where there was a break room food thief who would not quit no matter how many angry meetings were held about it. For some reason, the thief really liked my sandwiches. So one day, I finally had enough, and I liberally doused my sandwich with the most ridiculously top Scoville rated hot sauce that I could find. Like so hot that the reviews from people who loved really spicy things were saying that they couldn’t handle it.

The thief didn’t think anything was wrong, because I often put hot sauce on my sandwiches. We found out who the thief was really fast, because all of a sudden, an employee who I knew did not like me started yelling, oh my god, again and again and trying to drink a million glasses of water. They never stole a lunch again.” – u/Cocoannut_Twirl

2. “Sure, take that turkey sandwich.”

A close-up of a partially assembled sandwich on a wooden cutting board. The sandwich consists of layers of lettuce, sliced cucumber, turkey or chicken, bacon, and a thick slice of tomato. A slice of plain bread is beside the sandwich. A plate with another slice of bread is blurred in the background.
u/mahoganyjoan/via youtube.com

“I got tired of having sandwiches stolen so made a turkey sandwich and let it sit on the counter for a couple days before taking it in. Sure enough, it disappeared and someone had to leave early that day because they got sick. Never owned up to stealing it and thefts did seem to stop.” – u/JumpyAuthor4985

3. “The tomato based sauce play for the win.”

Close-up of a wooden spoon scooping a chunky, red tomato sauce that is simmering. The sauce contains visible bits of tomatoes, seeds, and other small vegetable pieces. The background shows the rest of the sauce in the cooking pot.
u/foodwishes/via youtube.com

“Made a tomato based sauce with lots of fresh basil and mixed a tablespoon of Da Bomb hot sauce to it. The dude suffered bad.” – u/wabudo

4. “Don’t mess with my jelly beans.”

A close-up view of a large pile of colorful jelly beans. The jelly beans are mixed in various vibrant colors including red, yellow, orange, green, blue, and purple, creating a lively and cheerful appearance.
u/howitsmade/via youtube.com

“I had a jar of jelly beans on my desk. I bought special ones I loved. I noticed that handfuls were missing overnight. I got so tired of it I bought the gross jelly beans that taste like vomit, throw up, ear wax, grass, and other horrible flavors. I put them in my jar and waited. Stopped real fast.” – u/roguebeam

5. “And now you have a full-time chaperone.”

A modern office hallway with glass-walled rooms on the left. A person is walking towards the right, holding a phone to their ear. Another person is at the far end of the hallway. Potted plants hang from the ceiling, with seating and a small table on the right side.
u/creatorstockify/via youtube.com

“A guy at my old job was stealing food from fridges, and was caught nicking food from the kitchens too (we were a food manufacturer company). Our Facilities Manager locked down his pass key so he couldn’t access certain places without a chaperone. Toilet and in-out the building was fine, but the kitchen and canteen he needed to be let in. He left soon after.” – u/MattyFromtheUK

6. “Enjoy the curry. Seriously, try to.”

A hand is pouring a thick, creamy white substance into a pot of cooked meat with sauce. The pot is partially filled with chunks of meat in a rich, brown-colored gravy. The scene suggests the preparation process of a savory dish.
u/flavorsbyar/via reddit.com

“I made a blindingly hot curry. The funny part is that he had me dragged into the facility manager’s office for ‘trapping’ my lunch. I ate a forkful like it was no big deal and then pointed out to the manager that, if he was okay with stealing from his coworkers, then he’d definitely be okay with stealing from the company. They started doing random bag checks after that and that guy always got his back checked when it happened.” – u/confident_jello_5326

7. “Red food coloring always gets it done.”

A person stirring a dark red liquid in a white bowl with a metal spoon. Another white bowl filled with a reddish powder is next to it, placed on a black countertop.
u/theterracekitchen/via youtube.com

“Red food coloring in my chili. Found them real quickly.” – u/8urfiat

8. “You can always just tell on them.”

A man in a suit stands in an office, looking to his right while holding a box. Two computer monitors, various folders, and office supplies are on the desk. Through the window, a cityscape is visible.
u/weyyland/via youtube.com

“I just told on them and they got fired.” – u/DrakeLostLol

9. “Vegemite isn’t playing any games.”

Two slices of toasted bread sit on a white plate. The toast is browned and has a slightly uneven texture with some darker, more toasted spots. The crust edges have a sprinkling of poppy seeds.
u/tickettoknow/via youtube.com

“I made a salami sandwich generously spread with Vegemite. Buddy old pal must have though it was bbq sauce or else. Never came back for my food. And for Aussies out there I’m not saying that stuff isn’t tasteful but to the unprepared European taste it’s quite awful.” – u/13atou

10. “Don’t mess with extra salty pizza.”

A close-up view of a pepperoni pizza. The pizza has a golden-brown crust, topped with melted cheese, pepperoni slices, and a sprinkling of fresh parsley. The pizza is presented on a piece of parchment paper.
u/thesoothingchannel/via youtube.com

“I left 2 pieces of pizza in the fridge. I removed the cheese layer carefully and dumped a ton of salt on top of the sauce and put the cheese back on top.” – u/xs-murdoc

11. “This rotten lunch is brought to you by the Florida sun.”

A divided Tupperware container with a blue lid, containing two sesame seed bagels with fillings on one side and a mix of red and yellow cherry tomatoes on the other side.
u/tupperware/via youtube.com

“I left my lunch on top on my truck in the Florida heat then placed it in the fridge. It didn’t take long to identify the suspect.” – u/deleted

12. “Fake warnings get the job done without the mess.”

A pink bento box on a white table contains fresh salad with lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes, and a separate section filled with soup. A red lid rests beside the box. In the background, there is a closed book and a pen.
u/tupperwareindia/via youtube.com

“I labeled my food with fake warnings about being spicy or expired. No more stolen lunches.” – u/peakwinter6717

13. “The labeled lunch is an effective route.”

A person's hand is using a black marker to write "Oliver Rob" on the side of a small blue plastic container with a matching blue lid. The background appears to be a light-colored tablecloth.
u/brightstarkids/via youtube.com

“This happened to a friend of mine. She would leave her sandwich in the communal fridge. Every day it got taken. Finally she got a plastic bag printed with mild on it. Nobody touched that sandwich again.” – u/mojhlk

14. “If you insist on eating the spoiled chicken then.”

A close-up view of several frozen chicken drumsticks arranged in a yellow plastic tray. The drumsticks are covered in a thin layer of ice, indicating that they are frozen.
u/mashed/via youtube.com

“Made a lunch out of spoiled chicken. The security guard was out sick for 2 days. I guess he thought no one would suspect him. Even when he returned, he was pale as a ghost.” – u/johnandahalf13

15. “These are not the cupcakes you’re looking for.”

Three vanilla cupcakes with swirls of creamy, white frosting on top are arranged on a light-colored surface. The cupcakes have a moist and fluffy appearance with a generous amount of frosting.
u/preppykitchen/via youtube.com

“I had some cupcakes that were stolen. The next time the cupcakes were filled with shaving cream.” – u/fangelo2

16. “Caught red-toothed.”

Close-up of several peeled, whole tomatoes placed together. The tomatoes have a glossy, smooth texture and are a vibrant red color, suggesting they might be freshly prepared or cooked. The background includes a faint view of a metallic surface.
u/btechnology/via youtube.com

“Mixed a ton of red food coloring into a small amount of ketchup and spread on sandwich. Caught red-toothed. May not work with people who brush their teeth.” – u/fusiondust

17. “A mayo cupcake sounds utterly delightful.”

A vanilla cupcake with light pink frosting swirled in a tall, pointed peak sits on a wooden surface. The frosting is smooth and creamy, contrasting with the rustic texture of the wooden background.
u/lifeloveandsugar/via youtube.com

“Good ole mayonnaise as icing on the cupcake trick.” – u/_space_pumpkin

18. “Yes, go ahead and steal the expired lunch.”

A person holding a fork is about to eat food served on a black plate. The plate contains grilled chicken with sauce, a serving of white rice, and sliced tomatoes with shredded purple cabbage. The person is wearing a white shirt.
u/thebugoutlocation/via youtube.com

“I kept it at home until it expired/went rancid, then chilled it again, then took it to work. When it got stolen, not my problem.” – u/nefvnelara

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