19 George Jones Quotes To Tip Your Hat To

George Jones (September 12, 1931 – April 26, 2013) was a renowned, true legend of an American country musician, singer, and songwriter. Jones was able to claim international fame status through releasing hit record after hit record. When you walk into an establishment and hear George Jones on the speakers, you’ll know right away. He just had that kind of shine. We’ll take a look at some of the most memorable quotes that George Jones left us with.

1. On not worrying about what wasn’t

A man with neatly styled brown hair is singing into a microphone. He is wearing a white turtleneck underneath a blue blazer. The background is a warm, softly lit setting with blurred details.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“There were a lot of songs during my MCA years that I thought should have been singles but were not. You can’t worry about what wasn’t – I was very lucky to have as many hits as I had.”

2. On supporting country music

A contemplative older man with gray hair and wearing a blue and white striped shirt is standing indoors. Behind him is a wall with floral wallpaper, a green lamp, some shelves with books, and a calendar. The lighting suggests it is nighttime.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“Country fans need to support country music by buying albums and concert tickets for traditional artists or the music will just fade away. And that would be really sad.”

3. On painting houses

A man with short, slicked-back hair and wearing a black suit is seen standing and speaking into a microphone. The background appears to be a stage with a wooden panel backdrop. The lighting is warm, highlighting his facial features.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“I tried to be a house painter, but I couldn’t stand all that paint all over me.”

4. On the beauty of a melody

A man with short brown hair and sideburns is singing into a microphone. Another older man with white hair can be seen in the background. The scene appears to be indoors with the focus on the singer's face.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“There’s nothing prettier in the world than a melody. I can get lost in a song with a melody. A lot of times I have, and the song wasn’t that good, but I would get lost in that melody, and I’d want to do the song.”

5. On old friends that pass away

A man in striped pajamas stands in a dimly lit room with posters, a guitar on the wall, and various decorations. The ambiance suggests a retro or vintage theme with a spotlight highlighting the man.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“I miss all of my old friends who have passed away. Sometimes you just don’t understand why they were taken so soon. I loved and miss Johnny Cash. I miss my old buddy Johnny Paycheck, who happens to be buried in an area of the cemetery that I bought for my family.”

6. On country music storytelling

A male performer is playing an acoustic guitar and singing into a microphone on stage. He is accompanied by a drummer and another guitarist, all dressed in matching blue outfits with white turtlenecks. The backdrop is wooden with warm lighting.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“Country music to me is heartfelt music that speaks to the common man. It is about real life stories with rather simple melodies that the average person can follow. Country music should speak directly and simply about the highs and lows of life. Something that anyone can relate to.”

7. On shutting out the world

Black and white close-up of an older man with light-colored hair wearing sunglasses. He has a serious expression and is dressed in a leather jacket over a collared shirt. The background is a blurred, outdoors scene.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“You can shut out the world. But you always have to stop, and the world is always waiting when you do.”

8. On the bad in everything

A person with short, styled hair and sideburns is seen from the shoulders up, wearing a blue plaid shirt and a white turtleneck. They have a focused expression and are set against a blurred, warm-toned background.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“There’s bad in everything. I dislike people misusing something that I love so much. It goes beyond the money. It goes beyond all of that and the glory. I love what I’ve done and I just can’t stand to see what they’re doing to it. But I’ve learned to live with it because that’s what they’ve done. They’ve come in with the modern sounds. I call it modern pop. It’s not country anymore.”

9. On measuring success

A person with light hair wearing dark sunglasses and a pink shirt is seen in close-up against a blurred outdoor background. They are playing a guitar, visible by the strap over their shoulder. The scene suggests a casual or relaxed setting.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“Different people have their ways of measuring success, maybe it’s not the right way but wrong’s what I do best.”

10. On keeping it real

An elderly man with white hair and wearing tinted glasses is smiling. He is indoors, with a room featuring some framed items and decor in the background.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“Be real about what you do. Stay true to the voice inside you. Don’t let the ‘business’ change what it is you love because the people, the fans, respond to what is heartfelt. They can always tell when a singer is faking it.”

11. On wisely answering questions

Three men are on stage performing. The man at the center is playing an acoustic guitar and singing into a microphone. He is wearing a patterned shirt. The man on the left is smiling, and the man on the right is playing a stringed instrument. The background is dimly lit.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“There are questions I’m still not wise enough to answer, just wise enough to no longer ask.”

12. On enjoying life

An older man with gray hair smiles broadly while standing at a microphone. He is dressed in a dark suit with a decorative collar. Another person stands partially visible beside him. The background features soft lighting and vertical panels.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“I just want to keep living on and enjoying food. Even though I’m gaining weight, I want to record if the Lord wants me to still record, and I just want to do my work on the road as long as I got those fans out there.”

13. On doing things your way

An older man with short, light-colored hair and a brown leather jacket sings into a microphone. The background features several out-of-focus individuals, some of whom are dressed in bright blue shirts.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“No matter what song I recorded or sang, I did it my way.”

14. On gratitude for the fans

A man with light-colored hair, wearing sunglasses and a blue shirt, is looking at the camera. In the background, a person wearing a white cowboy hat is visible among a few other indistinct figures. The scene appears to have dim lighting.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“I would just like to say thank you to each one of my fans for supporting me all these years and continuing to come to the concerts and buy my music. I owe them everything.”

15. On gospel music

A man with grey hair and wearing sunglasses is waving while sitting under a large dark dome-shaped light. Behind him are vertical bars suggesting he is possibly in a jail cell or a similar setting.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“I’ve always said that if I could have made a living someway in gospel music, I would have loved to had that break, but it never was offered to me, a job in that field, so naturally, I got lost on that other road.”

16. On leaving an impression

A man with short blonde hair and sunglasses is standing outdoors against a background of trees. He is wearing a light pink button-up shirt and holding a guitar close to his chest. The scene appears to be taken during twilight.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“If people liked your singing well enough, if you were special to them, then you never left their minds throughout all of the years.”

17. On modern fans’ forgetfulness

A person with graying hair stands beside an old-fashioned gas pump. They are wearing a light-blue and white vertically striped short-sleeve shirt. A large bus, labeled "Private Coach," is visible in the background.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“Today they forget you in five years. They give an artist nowadays four or five years and that’s it. Some of them don’t have that. They get a couple of releases. If you don’t sell two million copies, you’re gone, you’re out of here.”

18. On true happiness

A person with short, light-colored hair is wearing large, dark sunglasses. The image has a warm, sepia tone and shows the person from the shoulders up against an indistinct background.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“When you’re happy you enjoy the music. When you’re sad, you understand the lyrics.”

19. On Patsy Cline

A person wearing sunglasses and a light pink dress shirt is sitting outdoors, holding an acoustic guitar. The background consists of trees and appears to be a forested area with dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves.
u/GeorgeJonesOfficial/via YouTube.com

“All Patsy Cline had to do was sing somebody else’s song and her version would outsell theirs because it would be so good.”

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