You probably didn’t assume that an image of a chair underwater could cast such a spell of wonder on you. You were wrong. Very wrong. There’s something eerily fascinating about feasting your eyes upon a chair that’s been put to rest underwater. Maybe part of it is you’re prone to naturally wondering how that chair ended up there in the first place? We could just be witnessing the preeminent boom of a new art form altogether.
1. “Out pondering life.”

You’ve got to wonder how this poor little dude ended up there floating out in an abyss of misery. Those rocks by the shore don’t look particularly inviting either.
2. “Found one chilling in Amsterdam.”

Clearly someone is messing with all of us. It looks like somebody probably just got carried away and tossed that orange chair with a reckless abandon.
3. “Found with my underwater drone.”

“Still underwater I see. Maybe one day it will have the courage to surface.” – u/toxic_alqqm
“This actually looks awesome and would make for a very cool painting.” – u/mzjksufoy
4. “He is where he belongs.”

“Nice moat bro.” – u/_confettil
“That should be drained as soon as possible or that building is going to have structural issues.” – u/krutonium
5. “Hanging with the wildlife.”

“It’s the turtles chair now.” – u/devinssss
“I’ll sleep fine tonight knowing those turtles can sit.” – u/rairock
6. “Chair at the San Antonio Riverwalk.”

“I’m not an expert in hydrophysics, but I don’t think the river is supposed to be there.” – u/g_arthur10
7. “Yes, I sat.”

“A full 10/10 sitting location right there.” – u/mx0109
8. “If you zoom in there’s also an underwater wheelchair.”

“I love that flying bird.” – u/outfoxingthefoxes
9. “Caught this chair trying to fly under the radar.”

That poor wandering soul. You’ve just got to wonder where it all might’ve gone wrong. To end up in the murky swamp like this chair did though hints at no light backstory.
10. “Today in Vancouver, B.C.”

“In the wild. Very nice.” – u/icarus_falling
“Lucky enough to have the rock support too.” – u/stock_information520
11. “Just spotted a truly wild one.”

“I thought this was a frog having a real tough day for a second.” – u/dremliwolq
12. “Tough waters for a backless chair.”

Okay, seriously though. Those are some choppy waters we’re talking about here. That can’t have been a relaxing trip down the way. No, not at all.
13. “Oh, that looks plain old cold out there.”

There’s no telling what kind of trouble can arise around a snowy pool and/or hot tub. There’s something about the pool and/or hot tub when there’s snow around that just awakens that childlike enthusiasm like none other.
14. “Talk about a shady hotel in Lafayette.”

Not every pool is going to benefit from the same level of attentive care provided by the hotel staff. Clearly things have spiraled a bit out of control at the Lafayette Hotel. Maybe they turned over a new leaf though.

“The framing is truly picturesque.” – u/baconator-019
16. “Just enjoying the majestic sunset.”

Clearly, someone was completely over the whole chill by a sunset moment. They up and left what could very well be a perfectly proper chair right there.
17. “The backstory. We simply must have it.”

There’s something unshakably eerie about the lighting with this one. It looks like these chairs were abandoned in a hurry. Let’s get the origin story as soon as possible.
18. “That one chair is off on an island for misfit toys.”

It almost looks like the two chairs are sparring, and then the other chair is some kind of Roman Emperor figure who is waiting to give the thumbs up or thumbs down. An underwater colosseum of sorts, clearly.
19. “This actually looks quite serene with the right footwear, or lack thereof.”

You could get some serious journaling done here. You already know there are the sounds of flocks of birds flying on by, and probably and eagle or two posted up in one of those trees.