21 Funny Examples That Kids Are Miniature Maniacs

Anyone who has a kid will likely tell you that they’re highly effective little agents of pure chaos. The amount of utter destruction that a kid can create when left to their own devices for a sliver of time should never be underestimated. It’s truly wild. It’s humbling. You’ve just always got to be on your toes.

1. “Glad this didn’t exist when I was a kid.”

A person's wrist wearing a smartwatch with a notification displayed. The message reads, "wants you to approve this website: www.wikihow.com/Watch-a-YouTube-Video-Without-Your-Parents-Knowing." There is an option to decline the request. The time reads 8:58 AM.
u/specken_zee/via reddit.com

2. “Kid drew all over my mom’s Ralph Lauren purse.”

A small bright pink handbag with a chain strap. The front flap has a cute face design with large, wide eyes and an open, smiling mouth. The background is a light, textured surface.
u/ricotmrb/via reddit.com

3. “Kids are way too gullible.”

A social media post shows a profile picture of a person with text underneath. The text reads: "My son just told me that he LOVES the new toy trucks they got at daycare. They are his toy trucks. We donated them because he refused to play with them.
u/otherwise_dust_3311/via reddit.com

4. “Fun for all the family.”

A man stands in a kitchen, holding a pillow case with a cartoon character on it. The caption above reads, "When my son Seth was little, he would beg his brother to put him in this particular pillow case and swing him around. I know it’s insane and the only reason I’m telling you now is because they are grown up and I can’t lose custody of them.
u/hypnoidz/via reddit.com

5. “My 2 preschoolers just did this to an entire bag of zip ties.”

A hand holding two white cable ties in front of a textured gray background. The cable ties are looped but not fully tightened.
u/mm_algae/via reddit.com

6. “When your kid can’t have their iPad.”

A white wall with a round hole in the center. The surrounding area shows signs of cracking and damage, indicating the wall has been impacted, creating the hole.
u/official_countolaf/via reddit.com

7. “My brother, everybody.”

An image with a caption that reads: "Your Wii is not thirsty, it does not want orange juice." Below, a Reddit post reads: "Quick story, my sister told my little brother, 'The vacuum is hungry, so stay away unless you want to get eaten.' Following this logic, he proceeded to pour water in the vacuum, saying, 'The vacuum was thirsty.' He was 4.
u/deleted/via reddit.com

8. “A better version of hide and seek.”

A tweet from @SweetGoatato reads: "So my kids have a Shrek mask... They play a game named 'Hide and Shrek'. It's like hide and seek except the seeker is Shrek and when he finds them he yells 'GET OUT OF MAH SWAMP!' and chases them. As the seeker is moving through the house he quietly sings All Star.
u/smithnotasmith/via reddit.com

9. “Those seagulls, man.”

A tweet from user @DianaG2772 with the display name "who cares" reads: "Legit call from the school: Principal: I just wanted to touch base with you. Your daughter was baiting seagulls into the playground with gummy worms and actually caught one; Like in her arms. It did bite her—not hard, but I needed to inform you that we filed an incident report.
u/green_cat/via reddit.com

10. “I just bought these yesterday. A bite out of each top.”

A person is holding a plastic container of assorted mini muffins with several already eaten or missing. The muffins appear to have different flavors, such as poppy seed and chocolate chip. The person's nails are painted a sparkling purple, and they are wearing light purple pants.
u/wutfomegzbbq/via reddit.com

11. “I was going to donate some of my kid’s old books.”

An illustrated scene shows the Berenstain Bears' treehouse. The text below reads: "It is almost seven, as you can see. All is quiet in the [Pee] Berenstain Bears' Home Sweet Tree." The word "Pee" humorously replaces "in" with handwriting in the text.
u/iceicemickey/via reddit.com

12. “Hopefully they find it soon.”

A handwritten sign on cardboard is hung on a leafy background. The message reads, "Please don't parking in front of our house, we can't find home," with drawn images of a house, a car, and red circles around the words "don't" and "can't.
u/modestfruitart/via reddit.com

13. “The most foolish thing I did as a kid.”

A Discord message from user "buddder1738" reads: "When I was about 8 me and my friend were playing in his backgarden we had a tennis rocket but no ball so what do our genius brains decide to use rocks and we didn't even turn away from his house so of course it went horribly on the first one it hit his bedroom window and went straight through".
u/brudder1738/via reddit.com

14. “The most likely then, huh.”

Typed list titled "MOST LIKELY." Four names with predictions: 1. Ben (redacted) - to create his own airplane or tank. 2. Samer (redacted) - to have his own family of rocks. 3. Michael (redacted) - to be a baseball player. 4. Geoff (redacted) - to play in the NHL.
u/samsam/via reddit.com

15. “A true hide and seek legend.”

A small child in a sleeveless shirt and blue pants stands between a refrigerator and a wall, facing the wall, creating a humorous and endearing scene as if playing or hiding in the tight space.
u/kaprifool/via reddit.com

16. “Yeah, that’s me.”

A child with a large rectangular cardboard box over their upper body and head, standing in a hallway at home. The box features various images and text, and the child is barefoot with one shoe visible on the floor. Toys and a coat are in the background.
u/djolev11/via reddit.com

17. “Definitely no more hamsters.”

A tweet from user "Fretty Boop" (@i_miss_the_days) reads: "I am very, very sick but a neighbor just rode his bike down the street screaming 'WE ARE NOT GETTING ANY MORE ANIMALS!!!' while being chased by his 3 small children on their (decreasingly smaller) bikes who kept chanting 'HAMSTER! HAMSTER! HAMSTER!' and I had to share".
u/green_cat/via reddit.com

18. “My young nieces hate tomatoes, but can’t stop eating these dark cherry tomatoes.”

A plastic container holds eight tomatoes with unique coloring. Some tomatoes are predominantly orange, while others have a blend of dark purple and orange hues, with star-shaped patches of orange. The colorful pattern makes each tomato appear distinct.
u/soverylucky/via reddit.com

19. “When your parents want you to take a picture of them, but you’re committed to the bread.”

A round bread roll placed on a white plate next to a couple of small butter chunks. The plate is set on a white tablecloth with a knife beside it.
u/pillowmanextreme/via reddit.com

20. “At least he tried to do something good.”

A tweet from Elisa Stone Leahy with a profile picture of a woman smiling. The tweet reads: "Apparently my kid got in trouble today for PACKING OUR TOASTER IN HIS BACKPACK and pulling it out at lunch to make pop tarts for his class. I can’t stop laughing.
u/green_cat/via reddit.com

21. “Dad talking gives way to instant carsickness.”

Text on image: "Telling a story to 9 yo daughter while driving to gymnastics practice. She says, 'Dad, can you stop talking? Your voice is making me want to throw up.'" There is an emoji of a person facepalming at the bottom left corner.
u/cwjgasjs/via reddit.com

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