17 Wildly Unrealistic Things Portrayed In Movies

If only life were like it is in the movies right? Wouldn’t things be simpler? Or hauntingly entertaining at the very least. There’s something about the scripts that accompany so many movies that results in things also just always seeming to work out in the end. Meanwhile, life, as we experience it is an inevitable process of navigating a constant stream of hurdles as smoothly as you possibly can. These particular things are portrayed with ridiculous inaccuracy in movies. But it’s okay, we forgive them.

1. “The open parking spots right in front of the destination.”

A supermarket with the sign "WINN DIXIE" in red letters on the building facade. The parking lot in front has several cars and a shopping cart. The day appears to be clear with a light blue sky and some trees in the background.
u/movieclips/via YouTube.com

“Am I crazy or does this happen like eighty times in Beverly Hills Cop?” – u/holdontherejethro

2. “Communications always working when you’re in the military.”

A man with short hair and a beard, wearing military gear and gloves, is speaking into a handheld radio. He appears to be in a rugged outdoor setting, with blurred figures and a hilly landscape in the background.
u/johnnyswarstories/via YouTube.com

“In military movies, communications and data links always work, all the time unless it’s a major plot point. In real life, it’s almost never that way, but the story would be dumb if they had to pause the plot for hours or even days while the comm techs are troubleshooting firewalls, ports, IPs, crypto, etc.” – u/cpm67

3. “The sound of punches.”

A scene from an action-adventure movie shows a man in a fedora and leather jacket preparing to fight another man near an airplane on a desert airfield. A person operates the plane's turret in the background amidst tents and palm trees.
u/filmeyentertainment/via YouTube.com

“Although I love it, the sound of punches. Especially in Indiana Jones. They sound like someone whacking a side of beef with a wet blanket, which it might actually be, when a real punch is nothing more than a deep thud.” – u/hamiltonblakc

4. “Possessing an unfailing wit.”

A man with short hair wearing dark sunglasses and a green suit jacket is eating a slice of pizza outdoors. There are people in the background, along with a building, a red umbrella, and some greenery. The man appears to be squinting in the sunlight.
u/environmentm/via YouTube.com

“That people can think of witty things to say mid-conversation and not twelve hours later in the shower.” – u/spaceguy87

5. “Visibility at places where there must be absolute darkness.”

A man wearing a brown leather jacket and fedora cautiously swaps a sandbag for a golden idol in an ancient, dimly-lit temple. The idol is placed on a stone pedestal, and he appears focused and tense during the exchange.

“I always chuckle watching Indiana Jones using single match to light an entire underground tomb.” – u/icecreayouscream92

6. “What you hear or don’t hear in space.”

An astronaut in a spacesuit appears to be floating in outer space, with a dark backdrop and faint glowing clouds visible in the distance. The astronaut's helmet visor shows reflections of light.

“Yeah, so there’s no sound in the vacuum of space.” – u/positive_prompt_3171

7. “What happens when you jump through glass.”

A person, wearing a light blue shirt, is seen from behind and to the right of the image, seemingly mid-motion. To the left, there is a large glass window with a significant portion shattered, creating a jagged hole in the middle.

“Any time a hero jumps through a pane of glass and doesn’t even get a single cut.” – u/craftycommando

8. “Everyone never saying um or like.”

A man with dark hair, wearing a red blazer over a black shirt, stands outdoors at night in an urban setting. He is gesturing with his hands while facing the camera. The background is dimly lit with streetlights and trees, creating a moody atmosphere.
u/officialrockybalboa/via YouTube.com

“Dialogue that doesn’t include the words ‘uhm’ and ‘like’ a thousand times per sentence.” – u/level-studio7483

9. “Hours of a car ride with nothing happening.”

A woman and a man sit in a car, both focused ahead. The woman is nearer to the camera, showing a thoughtful expression. The man is driving, his profile visible. The background shows a brick building through the car windows.
u/primeclips/via YouTube.com

“I don’t mind when they cut out time passing without anything significant happening – a 5 hour drive condensed to three scenes is totally fine by me .” – u/intro-nimbus

10. “Just the whole existence of giant monsters thing.”

A close-up of a large, roaring gorilla-like creature with an expressive face, showing sharp teeth. The background features a chaotic scene with explosions and debris.
u/movietime/via YouTube.com

“I’m okay with giant monsters battling giant monsters.” – u/jaynovahhawk07

11. “Yeah, just forget about the bill at the restaurant then.”

A person wearing a blue cap is sitting at a table in a restaurant, holding a piece of paper, possibly a receipt, in one hand. There is a glass of red wine in front of them. The background shows a rustic interior with stone walls and arches.
u/dramatizeme/via YouTube.com

“No one paying their bill at restaurants.” – u/a_j_ru

12. “No one needs to say bye on the phone.”

A man with dark hair and a slight beard holds a phone receiver to his ear, looking seriously concerned. He has a furrowed brow and slightly parted lips, as though he's speaking or listening intently. The background is blurred and has a cool-toned color scheme.
u/movieclips/via YouTube.com

“That people don’t say bye on the phone. Who cares.” – u/juniperleafes

13. “Shoes while on the bed. That’s it.”

Two men in button-down shirts and khakis, one with a tie, stand in a bedroom. One looks surprised, while the other is talking. An unmade bed is in the foreground with a laptop and a person sitting with a book. A framed picture hangs on the wall.
u/movieclips/via YouTube.com

“Also people wearing shoes while lying on couches or even beds. I mean, what is happening. You have to be okay with it or you’d lose your mind over every film.” – u/icecreamyouscream92

14. “Unexplainable song and dance moments.”

A man with short dark hair is driving a car. He is wearing a seatbelt and looks concerned or deep in thought. The blurred background outside the car window suggests movement.
u/movieclips/via YouTube.com

“Bursting into song. I hate when people say musicals are too unrealistic but then they’ll go watch a movie where a superhero shoots CGI laser beams out of their hands.” – u/mindpieces

15. “The overhead welder that always has sparks flying.”

A man with messy hair wearing dark safety goggles and a brown jacket is focused on his work. He is in a dimly lit industrial setting with a bright light in the background, suggesting he might be working on something mechanical or technical.
u/sharkieproductions/via YouTube.com

“One of them that annoys me the most is almost every single time someone is on an active construction site someone is welding overhead and the sparks are falling down.” – u/12altoids34

16. “The disparity between survivors’ facial hair.”

Two men are in a close-up scene set against a backdrop of lush green foliage. The man on the left has long curly hair and a beard, and is looking down with a serious expression. The man on the right has dirty blonde hair and appears to be talking.
u/graceanderson/via YouTube.com

“Survival movies where some people grow facial hair and others don’t.” – u/djprojexion

17. “People never talk out of turn.”

A person with short, styled gray hair and glasses sits at a desk in an office, wearing a dark blouse and hoop earrings. They appear focused, looking down at what they are doing. Shelves with books and a large window with a cityscape view are in the background.

“No one speaks over each other.” – u/rynox2000

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