We’ve all crossed paths with an absolute unit. Some humans, dogs, insects, birds, etc. are literally impossibly huge. You’ll see one of those gargantuan beings walking down the sidewalk, and find yourself temporarily unable to walk any further because you’re utterly fascinated. These absolute units are on a whole another plane of existence.
19 Images Of Gigantic Things That Are Larger Than Life Itself
About Author
Matt Staff
Matt has spent over the last 8 years as both a writer and editor, working in Seattle and Brooklyn, where he is now based. He loves escaping the tirelessly fast pace of the “Mad Apple” that is NYC by taking walks and runs through parks where he’s able to catch up on the latest tea about society from the city’s ever chatty, always hungry, occasionally maniacal, pigeons. They always have a lot to say. When he’s not taking his urban nature strolls, or dutifully combing the deepest rabbit holes of the internet to find the content that’s worth sinking your mind’s teeth into, he’s likely holed up at a dark-lit dive bar with a new book and/or some friends, or just easily he could be on the hunt for the next addition to his steadily growing plant family.
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