19 More Pics From The Photoshop Troll Who Takes Requests Completely Seriously

Some people are literal wizards when it comes to what they can accomplish with photoshop. James Fridman in particular though is in an elite league of his own. The guy just can’t miss. If you ever find yourself submitting a photoshop request of your own to James Fridman, you’d best prepare yourself for an unforgettable act of trolling to ensue.

1. “Easy fix.”

A woman and her boyfriend pose for a photo in front of a scenic waterfall and palm trees. To the right, a man in a white t-shirt leans on the railing. In the edited version, the man in white is humorously duplicated, leaning on the railing in both normal and mirrored positions.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

Poor guy never stood a chance.

2. “He can’t miss.”

A side-by-side image featuring a person with shoulder-length hair and sunglasses. The left image shows their original appearance, while the right image humorously edits the hairline further back on the head as requested in the accompanying email exchange.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

Well that’s one way to shake things up with the hairline. Talk about a profound momentum shift there.

3. “There he goes again.”

A woman is flexing her arms, standing in front of gym lockers. The left image has her request to Photoshop her shirt to look less wrinkled. The right image humorously shows edited-in household irons floating near her shirt, as if "ironing" it.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

Hopefully she knew what she was signing up for.

4. “Get well soon, bud.”

On the left, a couple sits on a couch, the man in a Star Wars sweatshirt and the woman in pajamas with a pink headband, with bowls of nuts on a table in front of them. On the right, the man is edited into a hospital bed with a bandaged torso and an IV.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

This one’s just too much. James really dug deep.

5. “Oh, just wow.”

Two photos are shown. The left one features a smiling couple, with the woman on the left and the man on the right. The right photo is edited humorously: the woman's arm is stretched, making her appear to be holding her partner’s head from above. Relaxing cityscape in the background.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

Honestly, just pure comedy gold.

6. “Problem swiftly solved.”

A woman sent an email to an image editor, asking to remove the Calvin Klein logo from her boyfriend's shirt. The edited image humorously shows the logo replaced with "CALVIN KLEIN" written atypically, not addressing her request to remove the brand.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

Poor guy was just trying to wear his favorite shirt for the picture.

7. “Ask and you shall receive.”

On the left, a woman stands near a stair rail amidst greenery and flowers. On the right, the same scene is edited: a green pole replaces the stair rail. Below, messages read: “Hi James! I was wondering if you could edit out this stair rail/pole from this photo?? I love your work, thanks!!! 💙” and “Almost helpful.”
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

There it goes. Wonder if she still loves his work as much as she used to after this.

8. “The force is strong with this one.”

Two images show a man and woman smiling while standing next to someone dressed as Darth Vader. In the second image, Darth Vader is edited out, leaving the man and woman with an empty space where Darth Vader was. There are palm trees and a building in the background.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

We love a good Star Wars costume. You can tell that the force is truly strong with this one.

9. “A true piece of art.”

A tweet by Ezgi asks James Fridman to remove a man who photobombed her picture. James replies, "What friend?" and edits the image so the man's face blends into the stone wall behind him, making him look like part of the wall while she remains as the central focus.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

Man, look at that smile. It’s just the kind of smile that can effortlessly haunt your dreams.

10. “Beautiful.”

Two-panel meme: Left panel shows a person asking if a sheep can be replaced with a deer. Right panel shows the edited image where the sheep is replaced by a deer awkwardly placed in the person's lap. The man is sitting, and a woman stands beside him smiling.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

Look at that champion. Honestly though, kind of a tough look for the kid.

11. “Tough luck for that dude.”

Two-part meme featuring an email and a photo edit. The left image shows a couple posing in front of a carnival ride, with the man standing behind the woman. The email asks to "remove the guy in the background." The right image humorously removes the man completely.
u/james fridman/via facebook.com

They were so happy and wholesome. Guess it was too good to be true.

12. “Look out.”

Two images are shown in this collage. The first image features a man crouching behind a resting tiger. Overlay text reads, "hey james... Could you make like tiger attack me? thank you." The second image, photoshopped by James Fridman, adds a woman in a tiger print dress sitting next to the tiger and the man, with overlay text reading, "This lady might be of help.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

That tiger is the epitome of chill. The dude is also pretty chill himself. Like he seems totally unfazed.

13. “This is oddly terrifying.”

A woman with long blonde hair is asking for a visual edit in an email. She wants to appear as if she is holding a glowing orb. In the edited photo, the woman's face is humorously superimposed onto a round transparent object resembling her request.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

Yeah, didn’t see this request going this nightmarish direction, but alas, here we are.

14. “Honestly, pretty cool.”

An edited image shows a man sitting on a bench beside a mannequin. The before image displays the man's scars on his legs, which are covered with tape in the after image. The caption shows an email exchange asking for the mannequin to look like his real girlfriend and to cover the scars.
u/james fridman/via facebook.com

This is pretty cool. It almost looks like a poster for a mannequin-themed movie.

15. “The lamp was there for a reason after all.”

Side-by-side images show a humorous photo edit. The left image features a woman taking a mirror selfie with a lamp in the background. The right image, edited, has the same scene but almost completely darkened, making the lamp imperceptible.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

It’s pretty wild just how big of a difference a lamp can make for the lighting in a picture.

16. “Definitely a cool place.”

Left side of the image: A woman in a white dress stands by a lake with trees in the background. Text says, "Hey can you make me look like im in a really cool place and not a lake in the background." Right side: An open, heavily frosted refrigerator. Text underneath says, "Sure.
u/james fridman/via facebook.com

Oh boy, it looks quite frigid in there.

17. “How romantic.”

The first image shows a man and a girl lying on the floor indoors. The second image humorously edited by fjamie013 places them in a street pothole, both wearing construction helmets with traffic cones around them. An Instagram message requests the edit, followed by "Sorted.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

Aw, look at the happy couple. Seems like they found themselves in a bit of a tight squeeze though.

18. “Trippy.”

A Twitter user asks for their face to reflect in the sky section of the Bean sculpture in Chicago. The photoshopped result shows the user's face humorously enlarged and distorted over the sky-reflecting part of the sculpture.
u/james fridman/via facebook.com

She doesn’t look like she’s going to be too pleased about this.

19. “The bench wasn’t ready for this shakeup.”

Side-by-side images depict a humorous scenario. The left image shows a person sitting on a bench next to a bear statue. The right image, a response to a request to "make the bear realistic," shows the same person sitting next to a real bear on the bench.
u/James Fridman/Via Facebook.com

Look at that bear. That poor bear was just trying to post up for a while.

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